Guidelines for In-Person Worship - Updated 5/27/2021
We will continue to monitor the guidelines set forth by the PA health department. Please know that we will continue to live stream the worship service over our Facebook page (, so if you do not feel comfortable coming to church for in-person worship, we encourage you to watch our live virtual broadcast or go to our church webpage ( – click on “Listen In” tab) and watch a recording of the service at a time that is convenient to you and your family. These procedures are to protect the health and safety of our church family.
You no longer need to call the office to reserve a seat.
Wearing a mask is optional if you are fully vaccinated. We encourage anyone not vaccinated to continue to wear a mask for your own protection.
All doors to the building will be open until 10:45 A.M. After that time, please use the handicap access door in the Narthex.
We encourage the use of hand sanitizer located throughout the building.
Social distancing will be practiced by only sitting in the pews that are not ribboned off.
Continue to place offerings in the plates provided at each entrance to the Sanctuary.
Continue to remain seated during the worship service.
UPDATED 4/22/2021
We will continue to monitor the guidelines set forth by the PA health department. Please know that we will continue to live stream the worship service over our Facebook page (, so if you do not feel comfortable coming to church for in-person worship, we encourage you to watch our live virtual broadcast or go to our church webpage ( – click on “Listen In” tab) and watch a recording of the service at a time that is convenient to you and your family. These procedures are to protect the health and safety of our church family.
1. You must call (717-762-7191) or email ( the church office by noon on Thursday prior to the Sunday you want to come to worship in order to reserve a seat. This seating chart is necessary to create a contact list in the event that someone tests positive for the coronavirus.
2. You must wear a mask at all times in the building.
3. When you arrive you must use the Harbaugh Hall door entrance off the parking lot. The door will be open at 10:15 am. Please do not come before that time unless you are attending Sunday school. Special instructions will be sent to individuals who indicated they would be returning to Sunday school.
4. You will be asked a few questions, and your temperature will be taken. You will also be asked to use the hand sanitizer located in Harbaugh Hall.
5. You will then proceed to the sanctuary to take your socially distanced assigned place in the pews via the stairway or elevator. Bulletins and an offering plate will be on the table inside the sanctuary doors. Please do not circulate to greet others when you are waiting for the service to begin.
6. When the service is over, please use the tunnel in the narthex, the outside doors in the narthex, or the elevator. Please save conversations until you are outside.
7. There will be welcome team members to assist you.
A few other details…
We ask that you remain seated for the entire worship service. For congregational singing, we ask that you remain seated and either hum or silently read the words to the hymn while listening to our worship team members sing. The words to the hymns will be in the bulletin and on the screens. When using the restrooms, there will be hand sanitizer outside the restroom to use before going in; please have only one person in the restroom at a time; when finished, clean any area and or surface you used with the disinfecting wipes provided; wash your hands; upon exiting please use the hand sanitizer again.
The guidelines for Sunday school are as follows:
Please use the Harbaugh Hall door when entering. Please do not arrive before 9 am. Your temperature will be taken upon arrival. A mask must be worn the entire time you are in the building. There will be no gathering in Harbaugh Hall and no fellowship hour, so be sure to eat breakfast. Participants will report directly to their classrooms. Parents will be asked to pick up their child at the classroom at the conclusion of Sunday school at 10:15 am regardless of whether or not they will be attending morning worship. This is to eliminate unnecessary movement throughout the building. Some classrooms have changed to accommodate social distancing.
3M class—Will not be meeting in person until the fall.
Faith Formation class—Will meet in the Chapel. Any parents who would like to stay at the church while their children are in Sunday School are welcome to gather with this class.
Questors—Will meet both in person in the Parlor and online.
Youth—Will meet in the Rainbow Room.
Yoyos (3rd-5th) —Will meet in the downstairs Trinity Nursery School room.
Early Elementary (1st and 2nd) —At this time there are no children of this age attending.
PreK-K—Will meet in the nursery room.
We ask that each of these areas are sanitized with the disinfectant provided at the conclusion of Sunday school.
Thanks in advance for following our safety guidelines. If you have any questions please contact Deb Hollen at
Return to Sunday School Update - March 18, 2021
We’re excited to return to both morning worship AND Sunday School on March 28th! Morning Worship guidelines are exactly as they were in the fall and are given in a separate announcement (see below). We have tried very hard to make returning to our church safe.
Here are the guidelines for Sunday school:
Please use the Harbaugh Hall door when entering.
Please do not arrive before 9 A.M.
Your temperature will be taken upon arrival.
A mask must be worn the entire time you are in the building.
There will be no gathering in Harbaugh Hall and no fellowship hour, so be sure to eat breakfast.
Participants will report directly to their classrooms.
Parents will be asked to pick up their child at the classroom at the conclusion of Sunday school at 10:15 A.M., regardless of whether or not they will be attending morning worship. This is to eliminate unnecessary movement throughout the building.
Some classrooms have changed to accommodate social distancing:
3M Class - Will not meet in person until the fall.
Faith Formation Class - Not meeting as a class at this time, but any parents who normally attend this class and would like to stay at the church while their children are in Sunday school, may gather in the Parlor.
Questors - Will meet both in person in the Recreation Room and online.
Youth - Will meet in the Rainbow Room.
Yoyos (3rd-5th) - Will meet in the downstairs Trinity Nursery School room.
Early Elementary (1st and 2nd) - At this time. there are no children of this age attending.
PreK-K - Will meet in the nursery room.
We ask that each of these areas be sanitized with the disinfectant provided at the conclusion of Sunday school.
Thanks in advance for following our safety guidelines. If you have any questions please contact Deb Hollen at
Consistory Sets Regathering Date for Worship
The church consistory of Trinity UCC met on Thursday, February 18th, and decided to regather for in-person worship on Palm Sunday, March 28th. As in the fall, we will continue to monitor the guidelines set forth by the PA Health Department.
Please know that we will continue to Livestream the worship service over our Facebook page (, so if you do not feel comfortable coming to church for in-person worship, we encourage you to watch our live virtual broadcast or go to our church webpage ( – click on “Listen In” tab) and watch a recording of the service at a time that is convenient to you and your family.
The only difference from our fall protocol is that the windows will remain closed, and, of course, there is no air filtration system.
Again, these procedures are to protect the health and safety of our church family.
Regathering Protocol
You must call (717-762-7191) or email ( the church office by noon on Thursday prior to the Sunday you want to come to worship in order to reserve a seat. This seating chart is necessary to create a contact list in the event that someone tests positive for the coronavirus.
You must wear a mask at all times in the building.
When you arrive, you must use the Harbaugh Hall door entrance off the parking lot. The door will be open at 10:15 A.M. Please do not come before that time.
You will be asked a few questions, and your temperature will be taken. You will also be asked to use the hand sanitizer located in Harbaugh Hall.
You will then proceed to the sanctuary to take your socially distanced assigned place in the pews via the stairway or elevator. Bulletins and an offering plate will be on the table inside the sanctuary doors. Please do not circulate to greet others when you are waiting for the service to begin.
When the service is over, please use the tunnel in the narthex, the outside doors in the narthex, or the elevator. Please save conversations until you are outside.
7. There will be welcome team members to assist you.
A few other details…
We ask that you remain seated for the entire worship service.
For congregational singing, we ask that you remain seated and either hum or silently read the words to the hymn while listening to our worship team members sing. The words to the hymns will be in the bulletin and on the screens.
When using the restrooms, there will be hand sanitizer outside the restroom to use before going in; please have only one person in the restroom at a time; when finished, clean any area and or surface you used with the disinfecting wipes provided; wash your hands; upon exiting, please use the hand sanitizer again.
When the service concludes, a Welcome Team member will dismiss you by rows (just like at a wedding). They will instruct you as to which door to use to leave. Please follow their instructions.
Consistory Sets Regathering Date for Worship
The church consistory of Trinity UCC met on Wednesday, September 2nd, and decided to regather for in-person worship on September 13th. There are still many unknowns and we might regather for a few weeks and decide that it is not safe for us to continue worshiping in-person, but after examining the results of the recent survey, it was felt that there is enough interest to try regathering for worship, even if it is temporary. We will be evaluating how everything is going and will be listening to the guidelines set up by the governor’s office for any changes that occur as result of new information in the battle with this pandemic.
Please know that we will continue to live stream the worship service over our Facebook page (, so if you do not feel comfortable coming to church for in-person worship, we encourage you to watch our live virtual broadcast or go to our church webpage ( and watch a recording of the service at a time that is convenient to you and your family. Virtual church is still church and in these difficult times, it is important to remain connected to your church family in a way that works for you.
We want you to know the priority of these procedures is to protect the health and safety of our church family. First of all, we ask that if you are planning on attending worship on Sunday morning, please call (717-762-7191) or email the church office ( before noon on Thursday to let us know you are coming and how many from your family will be with you. You will be assigned a seat (just like going to a concert or sporting event). This will enable us to be assured of a safe social distance of at least 6 feet and this will also help us develop a “contact list” if someone comes down with COVID-19.
What To Expect When You Arrive At Church
The church building will be open at 10:15 on Sunday morning. When you arrive, please enter the building from the rear parking lot using the Harbaugh Hall doors. We will be following the guidelines of using just 25% of the capacity of our sanctuary. With a capacity of 325, we will not allow more than 80 people in the sanctuary for worship at a time.
Please bring and wear your mask while you are in the church building. A welcome team member will greet you, check your temperature, and ask you some basic screening questions. Throughout the church there are sanitation stations – we ask that you use the materials provided at the stations for your safety as well as those around you. Please read and follow the signage.
After being checked in by a member of the Welcome team, please follow the directions given to make your way to the sanctuary, either by the stairs or the elevator. Once in the sanctuary, a Welcome team member will show you to your seat. If you would like a bulletin, please take one off the table and we ask that you TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU. Please place your offering in the plates at the doors.
We ask that you remain seated for the entire worship service. For congregational singing, we ask that you remain seated and either hum or silently read the words to the hymn while listening to our worship team members sing. The words to the hymns will be in the bulletin and on the screens. If you need assistance during the worship service or need to leave for something like using the rest room, please raise your hand and a Welcome team member will assist you.
When using the restrooms, there will be hand sanitizer outside the restroom which we ask that you use before going in; please have only one person in the restroom at a time; when finished, clean any area and or surface you used with the Clorox wipes provided; wash your hands; upon exiting please use the hand sanitizer again.
When the service concludes, a Welcome team member will dismiss you by rows (just like at a wedding). They will instruct you as to which door to use to leave. Please follow their instructions.
If you would like to visit with a friend, we ask that you meet outside the building. As we gather together again as a church family, we hope that the precautions we have taken will give you peace and that you feel safe in the comfort of your church building.
Trinity UCC Covenant of Care
(Why We Mask and Use Social Distancing)
Trinity UCC policy requires the wearing of masks and social distancing in order to minimize the risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus. Wearing a mask protects others from contacting the virus from you. We believe that, when you wear a mask and practice social distancing, you demonstrate your love of neighbor and your commitment to follow Jesus’ commandment:
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
As an individual who attends Trinity UCC, and as a follower of Jesus Christ committed to God’s call to love my neighbor and to care for the most vulnerable among us, we covenant with each other to keep our community safe and healthy.
I covenant to…
Wear a face mask as a symbol of love and care of neighbor.
Sit six feet apart from others outside of my seating group, leaving room for God to work in the in-between spaces.
Clean up after myself in the spaces I have used, because like Jesus, germs are everywhere we go, too.
Honor and respect the sacredness of each person in this space and to stay home if I don’t feel well, knowing God is with us wherever we are, whether inside or outside the walls of the church.
Work together with my church family in creating a safe and healthy space to worship as one body, united in God’s love, acknowledging the hard work ahead, and the commitment to care for one another.
Contact church leadership directly if I have been diagnosed with COVID-19 after having participated in an in-person worship service.