Hurricanes and floods have recently impacted thousands, including families nearby in Maryland and further away in the Carolinas. In response, Church World Service (CWS) sends disaster buckets to help with the clean-up. If you have been looking for a way to help, we have an answer for you! Donate items for these disaster buckets to our collection drive at Trinity United Church of Christ in Waynesboro. We will assemble buckets and deliver them to the warehouse nearest to us in New Windson, Maryland, for distribution.

Our goal is at least 30 buckets, and Trinity's Faith Practices Class, is coordinating the effort in partnership with trinity’s justice and witness ministry team. Since the buckets' contents are to be specifically collected and packed in individual 5 gallon buckets, the class members are preparing a "wanted board" that breaks up the contents of each bucket into smaller, manageable purchases. Donors can purchase the contents of an entire bucket,5 items towards 5 buckets, or one item for one bucket. Please participate!

Click here for the list of all the items needed. The class will collect items in October and November and welcomes participation by Trinity Nursery School classes and families, Trinity's Scouts and families, other TUCC Sunday School classes, the Waynesboro Area Senior Center, and other churches in the Waynesboro area. Please pass the word along to leaders in these groups to seek further participation in this mission project to help those affected by flooding and disaster throughout the United States and around the world.