May 19, 2021

Happy Booklets

Cut out round circles and staple or yarn-tie together at one side. Use markers and happy face stickers to decorate each page with different-looking happy faces and various words or phrases that are happy.

Stuffed Happy Face

  1. Cut two identical large circles from bright colored felt pieces.

  2. Hole punch holes around the outside edges of the two felt pieces and tie the edges with colorful yarn.

  3. Add some tissue paper or nylons or cotton filling to the inside.

  4. Then tie the yarn together to close the face.

  5. Add eyes, nose, and a smiling mouth to your felt face.

Happy Sponge Puppet

  1. Have mom or dad give you a rectangular sponge, a rubber band, and a small piece of colorful material.

  2. Use the rubber band to tie toward the top (as the neck) and use the small piece of colorful material and wrap it around the sponge to look like a shirt or cape.

  3. Cut 2 small holes in the sponge about halfway down so that your 2 fingers can stick through the holes as you work your puppet.

  4. Markers can be used to draw the facial features and yarn could be hot glued onto the top as hair, if desired.