November 16, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, November 16. Nick Mowen gave the morning announcements and the call to worship, and Kristen Adams provided the call to confession, passing of the peace, and the closing benediction. Ann Rotz provided the children's message, and John Aclin read the day's scriptures. Deb Hollen provided the sermon for Mark Hollen.

Please note that the file does include some technical abnormalities toward the end of the sermon that we believe may have been caused from a different configuration of mics.

October 26, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, October 26. Consistory president Jerry Birt provided an update to the congregation regarding next steps in the pastoral search process. Kathy Shaffer then gave the morning announcements.

Carol Warnick read the scripture, and the Children's Choir sang two special anthems. Note: Due to a technical issue, the second anthem had to be restarted - be mindful of your ears at 22:12-22:14 and be ready for high pitched feedback that was then corrected.

Ann Rotz gave a special children's message (beginning at 25:18). Beth Firme provided the sermon and led the morning worship service, and Gill Hollen sang the solo opening verse during the Senior Choir anthem, "Amazing Grac." (beginning at 42:28 .)

October 12, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, October 12. Kathy Shaffer gave the morning announcements. Art Warnick read the scripture. Pastor Sue D'heedene led her final service for Trinity UCC. After the sermon and anthem, Scott Hershberger, the vice-president of Trinity's Consistory, led a liturgy of release for Pastor Sue, followed by comments and reflections from Pastor Emeritus Clayton Moyer. 

October 5, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, October 5, World Wide Communion Sunday. Kathy Shaffer gave the morning announcements. Deb Hollen and Phil Buglass read the scripture in Spanish and German, respectively. Pastor Sue D'heedene led the service which included welcoming Michael Day into the membership of Trinity UCC. The Trinity Senior Choir anthem featured soloist Garrett Smith. Mark, Deb, and Gill Hollen participated in leading the communion liturgy with Pastor Sue.

Due to a technical error, the recording for Sunday, September 28, is not available.

September 14, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, September 14. Dr. Greg Lyon-Loftis gave the morning announcements and Rev. Dick Lyon, who just celebrated his 97th birthday on September 8, read the scriptures. Lay leader Teresa Needham provided the sermon, and Trinity's Senior Choir provided the anthem, directed by Deb Hollen and accompanied by Carol Ann Day.

September 7, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, September 7. Nick Mowen gave the morning announcements and Ed Miller read the scriptures. Rev. Yvonne Rulli-Butler served as supply pastor, and Jean MacArthur served as substitute organist. Special music was provided by Gil Hollen, Kristen Adams, Nick Adams, and Erin Regan.

August 17, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, August 17. The morning announcements were given by Eric Watts, and the scriptures were read by Dr. Greg Lyon-Loftis. Rev. Yvonne Rulli-Butler served as substitute pastor, and special music was provided by Carol Mowen on flute, with accompaniment by Carol Ann Day.

August 3, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, August 3. The morning announcements were given by Karen Watts, and the scriptures were read by Peggy Walsh. The prelude and special music featured Paul Grane on saxophone accompanied by Carol Ann Day. Pastor Sue D'heedene provided the morning message and then led the congregation in a time of communion.

July 27, 2014

Here is the complete service from Sunday, July 27. The morning announcements were given by Maxine Beck, and the scriptures were read by Mark Hollen. The service includes music from the Vacation Bible School week as well as special music by Art Warnick. Jerry Birt announced a pledge drive in support of the storm water management project. The sermon was given by Pastor Sue D'heedene.

June 29, 2014

Here is the complete service for Sunday, June 29. Nick Mowen provided the opening announcements, and Maxine Beck read the morning scriptures. The sermon was delivered by lay leader Beth Firme; Jean McArthur served as the guest organist for the service, and Gill Hollen provided special music.